How Much Money Is 100k Views on YouTube? (2023 Figures)

If you’ve ever wondered about the financial rewards of your YouTube content, you’re not alone. Many content creators are eager to understand the magic behind the numbers, particularly when it comes to the coveted milestone of 100,000 views.

In this exploration, we’ll delve into the world of YouTube earnings, answering the burning question: How much money is 100k views on YouTube? We’ll shed light on the pay scale, YouTube’s payout structure, and what it takes to convert those 100,000 views into a rewarding financial endeavor. 

How Much Money Does YouTube Pay Per View?

YouTube is a popular platform where people upload and watch videos. If you’re a content creator on YouTube, you might be wondering how much money you can make for each view on your videos. The amount of money you earn per view isn’t fixed and can vary widely. 

Factors Affecting YouTube Earnings:

  1. Ad Revenue: Most of the money YouTubers earn comes from advertisements shown in their videos. Advertisers pay YouTube to display their ads, and creators get a portion of that revenue. The specific amount you earn per view depends on various factors, including the type of ads, viewer location, and advertiser demand.
  2. CPM (Cost Per Mille): CPM represents how much money you earn for every 1,000 views. It can range from a few cents to several dollars. Moreover, high CPM niches, like technology or finance, tend to earn more per view than others.
  3. Ad Engagement: If viewers interact with the ads on your videos. Such as clicking on them or watching them fully, you can earn more money. Advertisers often pay more for engaged views.
  4. Audience Demographics: The demographics of your viewers matter. Advertisers may pay more to reach certain demographics, so having an audience from high-paying regions can boost your earnings.
  5. YouTube Partner Program (YPP): To monetize your videos, you need to join the YouTube Partner Program and meet its requirements. Once you’re in, you’ll earn a share of the ad revenue generated from your videos.

How Much Can You Earn?

As a rough estimate, some creators report earning between $100 to $500 or more for every 100,000 views. However, these figures can vary widely based on the factors mentioned above.

Tips to Maximize Your YouTube Earnings:

  1. Create High-Quality Content: High-quality, engaging content attracts more viewers and keeps them watching, increasing your chances of earning more.
  2. Target High CPM Niches: Consider creating content in niches that tend to have higher ad rates.
  3. Promote Your Videos: Share your videos on social media and engage with your audience to boost views.
  4. Diversify Income Streams: Explore other income sources like merchandise, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and fan donations.
  5. Stay Consistent: Consistent uploads can help grow your audience and views over time.

Does YouTube Pay Per View?

YouTube pays content creators for views, based on factors like watch time, length, video type, and viewer demographics. The creator’s earnings are not fixed and vary based on the content and audience. On average, creators earn between $0.01 and $0.03 per view, equating to $1 to $3-$5 per 1,000 views.

Factors That Affect Your YouTube Earnings per View:

  1. Ad Types: YouTube generates revenue primarily through ads. The type of ads displayed on your videos can impact earnings. For example, skippable ads and non-skippable ads may have different payment rates.
  2. CPM (Cost Per Mille): It represents the amount advertisers are willing to pay per 1,000 views of their ads on your videos. This rate can vary based on factors. Such as your audience’s location and the content’s niche. Moreover, its rates are not set by YouTube. However, they are determined by advertisers bidding on ad space.
  3. Audience Engagement: If your viewers actively engage with the ads by clicking on them or watching them to completion, you can earn more money. Advertisers often pay higher rates for engaged views.
  4. Video Length and Quality: Longer, high-quality videos may attract more ads and, therefore, potentially higher earnings per view.
  5. Channel Niche: Some niches or topics have higher CPM rates than others. For instance, content related to finance or technology tends to have higher ad rates compared to generic entertainment content.
  6. Ad Seasonality: Ad rates can fluctuate throughout the year, with higher rates often seen during peak advertising seasons like the holidays.
  7. YouTube Partner Program (YPP): To monetize your videos, you must meet certain requirements and join the YouTube Partner Program. Once you’re in the program, you’ll receive a share of the ad revenue generated by your videos.
  8. Additional Revenue Streams: Many YouTubers diversify their income sources by selling merchandise, working on sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and receiving fan donations through platforms like Patreon.

What is YouTube’s Payment Method?

YouTube provides content creators with various payment methods for their membership, including Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), wire transfer, and credit or debit card. To manage payment options, visit the Manage membership page.

1. Advertising Revenue:

  • YouTube displays ads on videos, and content creators earn a share of the revenue generated from these ads.
  • The amount you earn per view depends on various factors like ad type, viewer engagement, location of the audience, and more.
  • Creators are paid based on CPM, which stands for “Cost Per Mille,” meaning they earn money for every 1,000 ad views.
  • Different ads pay different rates, so earnings can vary widely.

2. Ad Engagement:

  • Creators may earn more if viewers interact with the ads, such as clicking on them or watching them completely.
  • Advertisers often pay more for engaged views, which can increase a creator’s earnings.

3. YouTube Partner Program (YPP):

  • To become eligible for monetization, creators need to meet certain requirements, such as having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.
  • Once accepted into YPP, creators can enable ads on their videos and start earning money from their content.

4. Other Revenue Streams:

  • Besides ad revenue, many YouTubers generate income from various sources like merchandise sales, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and fan donations through platforms like Patreon.

How Do You Make Money on YouTube? – The YouTube Partner Program

Making money on YouTube is a dream for many content creators. It’s not just about sharing your passion and creativity; it can also become a lucrative source of income.

One of the primary ways to monetize your YouTube channel is through the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). In this article, we’ll explain in simple terms how the YPP works and how you can join to start earning money from your videos.

What is the YouTube Partner Program (YPP)?

The YouTube Partner Program, or YPP for short, is a program that allows YouTubers to earn money from their videos by displaying ads. These ads can come in various forms, such as skippable ads, non-skippable ads, display ads, and more.

When viewers watch or engage with these ads, YouTubers get a share of the revenue generated.

How to Qualify for the YouTube Partner Program?

To start making money on YouTube through the YPP, you need to meet certain eligibility requirements:

  1. YouTube Channel: You must have a YouTube channel where you regularly upload original content.
  2. Watch Hours: Your channel needs to have at least 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. This means people have watched your videos for a combined total of 4,000 hours.
  3. Subscribers: You should have at least 1,000 subscribers on your channel.
  4. Adherence to YouTube Policies: Your content must comply with YouTube’s community guidelines and policies.
  5. Location: You need to be in a country or region where the YPP is available.

Steps to Join the YouTube Partner Program:

Once you meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply for the YPP:

  1. Sign in to Your YouTube Account: Log in to the YouTube account associated with your channel.
  2. Go to YouTube Studio: Click on your profile picture and select YouTube Studio.
  3. Channel Tab: In YouTube Studio, go to the “Channel” tab on the left sidebar.
  4. Monetization Section: Under the “Monetization” section, you’ll find the “Monetization” tab. Click on it.
  5. Read and Accept the Terms: YouTube will guide you through the terms and conditions of the YPP. Review them carefully and click “Agree” if you accept them.
  6. Set Up an AdSense Account: If you haven’t already, you’ll need to create an AdSense account to receive payments. Follow the instructions to link your AdSense account to your YouTube channel.
  7. Start Monetizing: Once you’re approved for the YPP, you can start monetizing your videos by enabling ads on them. You can choose the types of ads you want to display and where they appear.

Earning Revenue:

Your earnings on YouTube depend on various factors, including the number of views, the type of ads shown, the location of your viewers, and more. YouTube pays creators a share of the revenue generated from ads, typically measured in CPM (Cost Per Mille) – the amount earned per 1,000 views.

How Do You Make Money on YouTube?

  1. The YouTube Partner Program (YPP):
    • The YouTube Partner Program is a gateway to earning money through your YouTube channel.
    • To qualify for YPP, your channel needs at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time in the past 12 months.
    • Once accepted, you can monetize your videos through ads. Google AdSense helps you earn money from ads shown before, during, or after your videos.
    • Your earnings depend on factors like video content, audience location, and ad engagement.
  2. Affiliate Marketing:
    • Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services in your videos and earning a commission for every sale made through your affiliate links.
    • Choose products or services related to your content niche.
    • Share your honest opinions and provide valuable information to encourage viewers to click your affiliate links.
  3. Products and Courses:
    • If you’re an expert in your field, consider creating and selling your own products, such as eBooks, online courses, or merchandise.
    • Promote your products within your videos and in your video descriptions.
    • Use YouTube to showcase your expertise and build trust with your audience, making them more likely to purchase.
  4. Merchandise:
    • YouTube’s merchandise shelf allows you to sell your branded merchandise directly on your channel.
    • Design and customize products like t-shirts, hats, or mugs featuring your channel’s logo or catchphrases.
    • Promote your merchandise during videos and in the merchandise shelf below your videos.
  5. YouTube Memberships:
    • YouTube Memberships let your fans become paying members of your channel.
    • Offer perks like exclusive content, badges, and emojis to your members.
    • Set monthly subscription fees, and members support your channel while enjoying special benefits.
  6. Sponsorships:
    • Brands may pay you to promote their products or services in your videos.
    • Ensure sponsorships align with your content and resonate with your audience.
    • Clearly disclose sponsored content in accordance with YouTube’s policies.

How to Make More Money Without Ads on Your YouTube Channel

Are you a content creator on YouTube looking to boost your income without relying solely on ads? You’re not alone! Many YouTubers are exploring alternative ways to monetize their channels and increase their earnings.

Why Diversify Your Income?

Before we dive into the strategies, let’s understand why diversifying your income as a YouTuber is important. Relying solely on ad revenue can be unpredictable, as it depends on factors like view count, ad rates, and viewer engagement. By monetizing your channel with your products, you gain more control over your earnings and reduce your reliance on external factors.

Step 1: Identify Your Niche

To successfully sell products on your YouTube channel, you first need to identify your niche or target audience. Your niche determines the type of products that are likely to resonate with your viewers. For example, if you have a cooking channel, your audience might be interested in recipe eBooks, cooking utensils, or branded merchandise like aprons.

Step 2: Create Valuable Products

Once you’ve identified your niche, it’s time to create valuable products that cater to your audience’s needs and interests. Consider these product ideas:

  1. Digital Products: Create eBooks, guides, templates, or online courses related to your niche.
  2. Physical Products: Design and sell merchandise like T-shirts, mugs, or accessories featuring your channel’s branding.
  3. Affiliate Products: Partner with relevant companies and promote their products in exchange for a commission.
  4. Exclusive Content: Offer premium, members-only content to subscribers through platforms like Patreon.

Step 3: Promote Your Products

Promotion is key to selling your products effectively. Use your YouTube channel to market your offerings in a way that adds value to your viewers. Here’s how:

  1. Product Integration: Seamlessly integrate product mentions into your videos. For example, if you’re a tech reviewer, demonstrate how a product works in your video and include an affiliate link in the description.
  2. Dedicated Videos: Create dedicated videos showcasing your products, highlighting their benefits, and explaining why your viewers should consider purchasing them.
  3. Engage with Your Audience: Encourage engagement by asking for feedback and questions related to your products. Respond to comments and provide additional information.
  4. Collaborations: Partner with other YouTubers or influencers to promote your products to a wider audience.

Step 4: Set Up E-commerce Platforms

To facilitate sales, you’ll need e-commerce platforms to handle transactions and deliver products. Consider using platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or Gumroad, depending on the type of products you offer.

Step 5: Analyze and Adjust

Regularly analyze the performance of your products. Pay attention to sales data, customer feedback, and conversion rates. Adjust your product offerings and marketing strategies based on this data to optimize your revenue.

Factors that Affect How Much You Make on YouTube (Money Per View)

1. Category & Topics:

The type of content you create matters a lot. YouTube divides videos into different categories and niches. Some categories, like technology or finance, tend to have higher-paying ads because advertisers are willing to spend more to reach audiences interested in those topics. If your content falls into one of these categories, you may earn more per view.

2. Audience Engagement:

Engaged viewers can be a big boost to your earnings. When viewers watch your videos for longer periods, engage with your content through likes, comments, and shares, or click on the ads displayed, it signals to advertisers that your audience is valuable. This can lead to higher ad rates and more revenue per view.

3. Advertiser Demand:

Ad rates can fluctuate based on advertiser demand. During busy advertising seasons, like the holidays, advertisers may pay more to have their ads shown. Keep an eye on trends and try to capitalize on high-demand periods to maximize your earnings.

Strategically Using the Full Menu of Ads Available on YouTube

YouTube offers several ad formats, and strategically using them can impact your earnings:

1. Skippable Ads:

These ads allow viewers to skip them after a few seconds. While they can be annoying to viewers, you earn money when they watch a certain portion of the ad. Placing these strategically within your video can balance viewer experience and revenue.

2. Non-Skippable Ads:

These ads cannot be skipped, and you earn a fixed amount per view. Use them sparingly, as they may deter some viewers, but they can boost your earnings for shorter videos.

3. Mid-Roll Ads:

These ads appear in the middle of your video and can significantly increase your revenue if placed correctly. However, YouTube requires videos to be at least 10 minutes long to include mid-roll ads. Ensure that the ads don’t disrupt the flow of your content.

Strategically Place Your Ad Breaks

If you’re eligible for monetization through the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), ad breaks are essential. Here’s how to use them wisely:

Video Length For videos longer than 10 minutes, consider placing multiple ad breaks strategically. These can be done manually or automatically. Find natural pauses in your content to insert ad breaks, but avoid overloading viewers with ads.
Viewer Retention Monitor viewer retention metrics to see where your audience tends to drop off. Place ad breaks before these points to maximize earnings without losing viewers.
Viewer Experience Remember, a poor viewer experience can lead to lower engagement and less revenue in the long run. Balance ad placement to ensure your content remains enjoyable.

How Much Do Top YouTube Stars Make on Their YouTube Videos?

1. Ad Revenue: The primary source of income for most YouTubers is ad revenue. YouTube runs ads on videos, and creators get a share of the money advertisers pay for these ads. The amount you earn depends on your CPM (Cost Per Mille or thousand views). Top YouTubers often have higher CPM rates because they have a large, engaged audience.

2. View Count: The number of views a video gets directly impacts earnings. More views mean more ad impressions and, potentially, more money. Top YouTubers can accumulate millions of views on their videos, leading to substantial earnings.

3. Niche and Audience: Different niches attract different types of advertisers, and some are willing to pay more for ads. For example, technology or finance channels might have higher CPM rates than entertainment channels. The demographics of your audience also play a role. Advertisers pay more for certain demographics, so if your audience matches their target market, you can earn more.

4. Ad Engagement: Engagement with ads matters. If viewers click on ads or watch them without skipping, creators earn more money. Encouraging your audience to engage with ads can boost your income.

5. YouTube Partner Program (YPP): To monetize your videos on YouTube, you need to meet certain requirements and join the YouTube Partner Program. Once accepted, you can earn a share of the ad revenue. Top YouTubers are often part of the YPP.

6. Multiple Revenue Streams: Top YouTubers diversify their income sources. They may sell merchandise, promote affiliate products, get sponsorships, or receive donations from fans through platforms like Patreon. These additional income streams can significantly boost earnings.

How Much Do Top YouTubers Make?

The earnings of top YouTubers can vary widely, but some of the highest-earning YouTube stars make millions of dollars per year. Here are a few examples:

PewDiePie PewDiePie, one of the most well-known YouTubers, reportedly earned over $100 million in a single year at the peak of his career. His income comes from ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.
Ryan Kaji Ryan Kaji, a child YouTuber known for his toy unboxing videos, earned around $29.5 million in 2020. His income is largely driven by a combination of ad revenue and merchandise sales.
Dude Perfect This group of friends who create sports and trick shot videos reportedly earned around $20 million in 2020. Their earnings come from ads, merchandise, and sponsored content.

How to Get More Views and Increase Ad Revenue on YouTube

1. Optimize your videos for SEO:

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it’s not as complicated as it sounds. It’s about making your videos more discoverable on YouTube. Here’s how:

  • Keywords: Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. Think about what words people might type into the search bar to find your content.
  • Thumbnail: Create eye-catching thumbnails that accurately represent your video. A good thumbnail can entice people to click.
  • Video Description: Write a detailed and informative video description. Include your main keywords naturally in the text.
  • Closed Captions (CC): Adding captions can improve accessibility and help YouTube understand your content better, which can lead to higher rankings.

2. Edit out silence in between words:

People tend to lose interest quickly if there’s too much dead air in a video. To keep your viewers engaged:

  • Edit your videos: Trim out unnecessary pauses and silence between sentences. Make sure your content flows smoothly.
  • Use background music: Adding subtle background music can help fill the gaps and make your videos more enjoyable to watch.

3. Keep your video as short as it needs to be:

Shorter videos often perform better on YouTube. Here’s why:

  • Audience Attention: Viewers have limited attention spans. Try to deliver your content concisely without unnecessary filler.
  • Viewer Retention: YouTube tracks how long viewers watch your videos. Higher retention rates can boost your video’s visibility.

4. Fix Audio Quality:

Good audio quality is crucial for viewer satisfaction. Here’s how to improve it:

  • Use a quality microphone: Invest in a decent microphone to capture clear and crisp audio.
  • Remove background noise: Edit your audio to eliminate distracting background sounds.

5. Show, don’t tell:

Instead of just talking about things, demonstrate them in your videos:

  • Visuals: Use visuals, graphics, and animations to enhance your content.
  • Engage the viewer: Encourage interaction and engagement by asking questions, running polls, or conducting surveys.

FAQs About How Much Money Is 100k Views on YouTube

What is My YouTube Earning Potential?

Your YouTube earning potential is dependent on various factors, including your audience size, engagement, and revenue streams. The more views and engagement you have, the higher your earning potential.

What is the difference between CPM vs. RPM?

CPM, also known as cost per mille, denotes the monetary value advertisers allocate for every 1,000 instances of ad views. Conversely, RPM, or revenue per mille, signifies the actual revenue generated per 1,000 video views. RPM encompasses YouTube’s revenue share and various other factors in its calculation.

Can I Increase My RPM?

Yes, there are several strategies you can implement to increase your RPM. These include optimizing your videos for higher-paying niche topics, increasing ad engagement, and experimenting with different ad formats.

How to Calculate My RPM?

To determine your RPM (Revenue per Mille), you may employ the following formula: Divide your estimated revenue by the total number of video views, and subsequently multiply the result by 1,000. This calculation will yield the revenue you generate per 1,000 video views.

What is the Highest-Paying YouTube Niche?

The YouTube niche that generates the most profit can differ, but generally, finance, technology, and business-related niches tend to have higher CPMs and RPMs.

How much do 100K views pay on YouTube?

The amount you earn for 100k views on YouTube can vary depending on factors like the number and type of ads shown. On average, creators can expect to earn between $500 to $2,000 for 100k views.

How much do YouTube Shorts pay for $1 million views?

The payment for YouTube Shorts can vary, but on average, creators can expect to earn around $1000 to $2000 for 1 million views on YouTube Shorts.

How much is 200k views on YouTube?

The earnings from 200k views on YouTube will depend on several factors, but creators can expect to earn between $1000 to $4000 for 200k views.

How much money do you get for 500k views on YouTube?

For 500k views on YouTube, creators can earn between $2500 to $10,000, depending on various factors.

How much money is 20 million views on YouTube?

Earnings from 20 million views on YouTube can be substantial. Creators can earn anywhere from $100,000 to over $400,000 for 20 million views, depending on factors like ad engagement and revenue streams.

How much TikTok pays for 1 million views?

Its structure is different from YouTube. Additionally, the amount they pay for 1 million views can vary. On average, creators can expect to earn around $500 to $2000 for 1 million views on TikTok.


In conclusion, the question of How much money is 100k views on YouTube? is a common inquiry among content creators and aspiring YouTubers. Understanding how YouTube pays for 100k views is essential for those looking to monetize their channel and increase their ad revenue.

While the exact earnings can vary due to factors such as ad type, viewer engagement, and niche, reaching 100k views is a significant milestone on the path to monetization.

By optimizing your videos for SEO, enhancing viewer retention, and consistently producing engaging content, you can maximize your earnings and leverage the platform’s potential for income generation.

So, whether you’re curious about how much YouTube pays for 100k views or seeking ways to boost your channel’s performance, it’s all about dedication, quality content, and strategic optimization. Keep learning, keep creating, and watch your YouTube journey evolve.