How to Get someone to follow you on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today, with over one billion active users. Whether you’re a blogger, influencer, or business owner, having a strong Instagram presence is essential for building your brand. Moreover, it also helps you to reach a wider audience. But with so many users on the platform, it can be challenging to get noticed and grow your following. That’s why we’ve put together these ten tips to help you get more Instagram followers.

From optimizing your profile and using hashtags strategically to creating engaging content and collaborating with other users. We’ll cover everything you need to know to increase your visibility and attract more followers. We will also cover How to get someone to follow you on Instagram. So, if you’re ready to take your Instagram game to the next level, read on!

Identify your brand and target audience

Before you start posting content on Instagram, it’s important to identify your brand and target audience. Your brand is what sets you apart from the competition and gives your followers a reason to follow you. Your target audience is the group of people who are interested in your brand and engage with your content. Understanding your brand and target audience will help you tailor your content to their interests and needs.

Identify your brand and target audience

To identify your brand, start by asking yourself a few questions. What makes your brand unique? What values do you want your brand to represent? Moreover, What is your brand’s mission? Answering these questions will help you create a clear and consistent brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

To identify your target audience, start by researching your industry and competitors. Look at who is following your competitors and what types of content they are engaging with. You can also use Instagram Insights to learn more about your current Instagram followers, including their demographics and interests. Once you have a better understanding of your target audience, you can create content that speaks directly to their interests and needs. By identifying your brand and target audience, you can create a strong and engaging Instagram presence. This will attract more Instagram followers and build brand loyalty.

Optimize your bio for maximum impact

Your Instagram bio is the first thing people see when they visit your profile. So it’s important to make sure it’s optimized for maximum impact. Your bio should be concise, informative, and visually appealing to draw in potential Instagram followers. Start by including a clear and concise description of your brand or business. This should include who you are, what you do, and what sets you apart from the competition. Use keywords and hashtags related to your industry to make it easier for users to find you.

Next, include a call-to-action (CTA) in your bio. This could be something as simple as “Follow us for more” or “Visit our website for more information.” You could also include a special offer to incentivize users to follow you. Don’t forget to include a link to your website or other social media channels in your bio. This makes it easy for users to learn more about your brand and connect with you on other platforms.

Finally, make sure your bio is visually appealing. Use emojis to break up text and make your bio more engaging. You could also add a branded hashtag or other visual elements to make your bio stand out. By optimizing your Instagram bio, you can make a great first impression and attract more Instagram followers to your profile.

Create high-quality content that resonates with your audience

Creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience is a crucial step in gaining more Instagram followers in 2023. With the ever-increasing competition on the platform, it’s important to stand out from the crowd. Create content that is not only visually appealing but also provides value to your Instagram followers.

Before creating content, take some time to research your target audience. Moreover, also understand what kind of content they are interested in. Use Instagram insights to analyze your current followers and see what type of content they engage with the most. Based on this information, create content that is relevant to your audience and aligns with your brand’s message.

When it comes to visuals, make sure your photos or videos are of high quality and well-edited. Use tools like Lightroom or VSCO to enhance your images and create a consistent aesthetic for your feed. Also, don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats like Instagram Reels or IGTV. It keeps your content fresh and engaging.

In addition to photos and videos, consider creating captions that tell a story and provide context to your content. Use hashtags to increase the discoverability of your posts and engage with your Instagram followers by responding to comments and messages. By consistently creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. You’ll not only gain more followers but also build a loyal community that supports your brand.

Use hashtags strategically

Relevant Hashtags are an essential aspect of Instagram’s ecosystem. They allow you to increase the visibility of your content. Furthermore, it also connects you with users who are interested in the same things as you. However, it’s important to use them strategically to attract the right followers.

Firstly, research and identify the hashtags that are relevant to your niche, brand, or product. Consider using both niche-specific and broader hashtags to reach a wider audience. Secondly, avoid using too many hashtags in your posts as it can come across as spammy and desperate. Instagram allows a maximum of 30 hashtags per post, but using around 10-15 relevant hashtags is usually sufficient. Thirdly, don’t use the same set of hashtags for every post. Mixing things up and using different hashtags will help you reach new audiences and generate more engagement.

Lastly, consider creating your own branded hashtag to encourage user-generated content and increase engagement with your brand. This could be your brand name, a tagline, or a custom hashtag related to a specific campaign or product. Incorporate your branded hashtag into your bio, posts, and stories to encourage followers to use it as well. Using hashtags strategically can help you attract the right followers, increase engagement, and grow your brand on Instagram.

Engage with other users’ posts

Engaging with other users’ posts is one of the most effective ways to get more Instagram followers. It helps you to get noticed by users who don’t know you yet. You can start by searching for profiles that are related to your industry or niche. After that, like, comment, and share their posts. This will help you to get your profile in front of their followers, who may then visit your page and follow you back.

When engaging with other users’ posts, make sure that your comments are genuine and add value to the conversation. Avoid generic comments like “great post” or “nice pic”, as these often come across as spammy and insincere. Instead, take the time to read the post and leave a thoughtful comment that shows you have taken an interest in the content.

Another effective way to engage with other users is by participating in Instagram challenges or collaborations. These are often organized by other users in your niche or industry and involve sharing posts and using specific hashtags to connect with other users. By participating in these challenges, you can get your profile in front of a wider audience and gain more followers in the process. Remember, the key to success on Instagram is consistency and engagement. By engaging with other users’ posts regularly, you can build relationships with your Instagram followers and attract new ones at the same time.

Collaborate with other Instagram users

Collaborating with other Instagram users is one of the most effective ways to increase your Instagram followers. By collaborating with other users, you have the opportunity to reach a wider audience and gain new Instagram followers who are interested in your content. There are several ways to collaborate with other Instagram users, such as hosting giveaways, doing a joint live stream, or simply featuring each other’s content on your feeds or stories. When collaborating, it’s important to choose users who have a similar target audience and content style as yours. This will help ensure that their followers will be interested in your content as well.

Another effective way to collaborate with other Instagram users is by participating in Instagram pods. These are groups of users who work together to increase engagement and reach on their posts. By participating in pods, you can increase the visibility of your posts and attract new followers to your account.

Overall, collaborating with other Instagram users is a great way to expand your reach on the platform and attract new followers who are interested in your content. By choosing the right users to collaborate with and engaging in meaningful interactions, you can build a strong community on Instagram and grow your following over time.

Why Run a contest or giveaway are important?

Running a contest or giveaway is a surefire way to gain more Instagram followers. People love free things, and they are more likely to follow your account and engage with your content if they have the chance to win something. To run a successful Instagram contest or giveaway, you need to set clear rules and guidelines for participation. Make sure that the rules are easy to understand, and that anyone can participate. You should also have a clear goal in mind, whether it’s to gain more followers, increase engagement, or promote a new product or service.

Why Run a contest or giveaway are important

In terms of the prize, it’s important to choose something that’s relevant to your brand and your audience. It should be something that people actually want, and that will encourage them to participate. You can also partner with other brands or influencers to offer a bigger and more exciting prize package.

To promote your contest or giveaway, you can use Instagram ads, influencer partnerships, and your own social media channels. Make sure to use a dedicated hashtag for the contest, and encourage participants to share your post and tag their friends to increase visibility. Running a contest or giveaway on Instagram is a fun and effective way to engage with your followers and attract new ones. Just remember to follow Instagram’s guidelines and rules for contests and giveaways, and be creative with your approach!

Post consistently and at optimal times

Posting consistently and at optimal times is crucial in gaining more Instagram followers. It’s important to find a posting schedule that works for you and your audience. This means determining the best times to post for maximum engagement and then sticking to a regular schedule so your followers know when to expect new content from you. To determine the best times to post, use Instagram Insights to see when your followers are most active on the platform. This data will give you a good indication of when to schedule your posts so that they are more likely to get seen and engaged with by your followers.

It’s also important to post consistently. This means posting at least once a day or a few times a week so that your followers see regular updates from you. Consistency builds trust with your followers and shows them that you are committed to providing them with quality content. To make sure you don’t miss any posts, you can use scheduling tools like Hootsuite or Later to plan and schedule your posts in advance. This way, you can ensure you are posting consistently and at optimal times without having to manually post every day.

Remember, posting consistently and at optimal times is just one piece of the puzzle. To really grow your Instagram following, you need to provide quality content that resonates with your audience and engage with them regularly. By doing this, you’ll build a loyal following that will continue to grow over time.

How to Utilize Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories have become increasingly popular in recent years and are a great way to engage with your existing Instagram followers whilst also reaching out to potential new ones. Stories allow you to share more ‘behind-the-scenes’ content and give your followers a glimpse into your day-to-day life or the life of your business.

To utilize Instagram Stories effectively, you can use features such as polls, quizzes, and questions to encourage engagement. You can also use the ‘swipe up’ feature to direct followers to your website or a specific product. It’s important to keep your Stories consistent and post regularly to maintain engagement and keep your followers interested. Another way to use Stories is by collaborating with other brands or influencers. This can help to increase your visibility and reach new audiences. For example, you could take over another brand’s Instagram account for the day or do a joint Instagram Live with an influencer.

Finally, you can also use Instagram’s Reels feature to create short-form video content that is engaging and shareable. This can help to increase your brand’s exposure and attract new Instagram followers who may not have discovered your account otherwise. By utilizing Instagram Stories and other features, you can increase your following and build a loyal community around your brand.

Use Instagram Ads to reach a wider audience and Instagram followers

Instagram Ads are a great way to reach a wider audience and gain more Instagram followers. With Instagram Ads, you can promote your account, your posts, or your products and services. This is a great way to get your brand in front of people who may not have heard of you before. When creating Instagram Ads, you can target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, which means your ads will be shown to people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

This means you’ll get more relevant Instagram followers who are more likely to engage with your content. You can also create different types of ads, such as photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and more. This gives you a lot of flexibility when it comes to creating engaging content that will catch people’s attention and encourage them to follow your account.

One thing to keep in mind when using Instagram Ads is to make sure your ads are visually appealing and on-brand. You want to make sure your ads fit seamlessly into people’s Instagram feeds and don’t feel like an interruption. With the right ad creative, targeting, and budget, Instagram Ads can be a powerful tool for growing your Instagram following and reaching a wider audience.

Tips How to get someone to follow you on Instagram in 2023

In order to successfully grow your Instagram following in 2023, it’s important to not only understand the tips mentioned above but also to implement them effectively. Let’s take a closer look at some ways you can do this.

For tip #1, which is to optimize your profile, you can do this by including relevant keywords in your bio, using consistent branding and imagery, and making sure your profile is complete and up-to-date. You can also use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create eye-catching graphics and highlight covers.

For tip #2, which is to post consistently, you can use tools like Later or Hootsuite to schedule your posts in advance and ensure that you’re posting at optimal times for your audience. You can also experiment with different types of content, such as reels or Instagram Live, to keep things fresh and engaging.

For tip #3, which is to use hashtags strategically, you can research popular hashtags in your niche and use them in your posts, as well as creating your own branded hashtag. You can also use tools like Hashtagify or All Hashtag to find relevant hashtags and track their performance.

And for tips #4-10, which include engaging with your audience, collaborating with others, running contests, and using paid advertising, there are a variety of tools and resources available to help you achieve success. For example, you can use Instagram’s built-in analytics to track your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly, or you can use platforms like or Upfluence to find influencers to collaborate with.

By implementing these tips effectively and utilizing the right tools and resources, you can successfully grow your Instagram following in 2023 and beyond. And by learning from the success stories of others, you can gain valuable insights and inspiration to help you achieve your own Instagram marketing goals.


With the right approach, anyone can grow their following on Instagram and build a strong presence. Remember that it is not just about the number of followers, but also how engaged they are with your content. So, use these tips to attract more followers and then focus on creating high-quality and engaging content that they will love. We hope you enjoyed our article on How to get someone to follow you on Instagram in 2023. With the help of these tips you can build a strong presence. Thank you for reading and happy growing up!