How to Download Instagram Followers List?

If you are an avid Instagram user, you know how important it is to keep track of your Instagram followers. Whether you are a social media influencer or a business owner, the Instagram Followers List is a valuable asset that can help you grow your brand and connect with your audience. However, Download Instagram Followers List from Instagram can be a daunting task, especially if you are not tech-savvy.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of downloading your Instagram followers’ list. We will cover everything from the reasons why you might want to download the list to the step-by-step process of how to do it. By the end of this post, you will be able to easily download your followers’ list and use it to improve your Instagram strategy.

This limitation has paved the way for third-party tools and apps, offering users a workaround to export their followers list in formats like CSV, XLS, HTML, Excel, or PDF​

Introduction to Download followers list Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world and has over 1 billion active users. It’s a great platform for individuals, businesses, and brands to connect with their audience and grow their Instagram following. However, as an Instagram user, have you ever wondered how to download your followers’ list? Maybe you want to analyze your followers’ demographics or create a targeted marketing campaign.

Whatever the reason, downloading your Instagram followers’ list can be a useful tool for any Instagram user. In this ultimate guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about downloading your Instagram followers’ list. From the benefits of having the list to the step-by-step process of downloading it, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s get started!

Why would you want to download your Instagram followers’ list?

There are many reasons why you might want to download your Instagram followers’ list. Whether you’re a social media manager, a marketer, or simply an influencer, understanding your audience is key to building a strong presence on Instagram. By downloading your followers’ list, you can analyze their demographics, interests, and engagement patterns. This information can help you tailor your content to better resonate with your audience, and ultimately drive more engagement and growth.

Additionally, having a record of your followers’ list can be helpful in case of unexpected changes or issues with your account. If you ever lose access to your account or experience a hack, having a backup of your followers’ list can help you quickly recover your audience and get back on track. Overall, downloading your Instagram followers’ list is a simple and effective way to better understand and connect with your audience, and safeguard your account against unexpected setbacks.

How to Download Instagram Followers List  manually?

If you’re looking for a way to download your Instagram followers list manually, it can be done in just a few simple steps. First, log in to your Instagram account and navigate to your profile. From there, tap on the “Followers” tab. This will bring up a list of all the accounts that follow you. Next, you’ll need to use a web browser to access the Instagram website. In the search bar, type in the username of the account whose followers list you want to download. Once you’ve accessed their profile, click on the “Followers” tab to bring up their list of followers.

Now, you can manually copy and paste each follower’s username into a spreadsheet or document. This can be a time-consuming process, especially if you have a lot of followers. However, it is a free and simple way to download your followers list without the need for any additional tools or software.

It’s important to note that manually downloading your Instagram followers list does have some limitations. For example, you won’t be able to access any additional data about your followers, such as their engagement rate or location. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive analysis of your followers, you may want to consider using a third-party tool or service.

How to download Instagram followers list with third-party tools?

There are many third-party tools available that can help you download your Instagram followers list. These tools are simple to use and can provide you with a detailed list of your followers in just a few clicks. One of the popular tools is “InstaFollowers”, which is a free tool that allows you to download your Instagram followers list in CSV format. To use this tool, you need to visit their website and enter your Instagram username. Once you have entered your username, you will see a list of options, including the option to download your followers’ list.

Another great tool is “HypeAuditor”, which is a paid tool that provides you with detailed analytics of your Instagram followers. This tool not only allows you to download your followers’ list, but it also provides you with insights such as demographic data, engagement rates, and follower growth over time.

However, it’s important to note that while these third-party tools can help you download your Instagram followers list, they may not always be 100% accurate. Instagram’s API policies are constantly changing, which can cause discrepancies in the information provided by these tools. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check the information provided by these tools to ensure its accuracy.

Step-by-step guide to Download Instagram Followers List using a third-party tool

Downloading Instagram followers list can be a tedious task if done manually. Luckily, there are various third-party tools available that can help you in getting this task done in just a few clicks. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to download Instagram followers list using a third-party tool:

Step 1: Firstly, choose a reliable third-party tool that provides this feature. Some popular options include HypeAuditor, SocialRank, and Crowdbabble.

Step 2: Secondly, sign up for the selected tool and connect it with your Instagram account. Grant all the necessary permissions and read the terms and conditions carefully.

Step-by-step guide to download Instagram followers list using a third-party tool

Step 3: Once you are logged in, select the option to export your followers list. The exact steps may vary depending on the tool you select, but most tools will have this option under the “Analytics” or “Reports” tab.

Step 4: Nextly, choose the date range and select the format in which you want to export the data. Some tools may also offer additional filters and segmentation options to help you refine your list.

Step 5: Lastly, download the file and save it on your device. You can then open the file using Excel or Google Sheets to view and analyze the data.

By using a third-party tool, you can easily download your Instagram followers list and use it for various purposes such as market research, lead generation, and more. Just make sure to choose a reliable tool that follows Instagram’s terms of service to avoid any potential issues.

Top 5 third-party tools to Download Instagram Followers List

There are many third-party tools available to download Instagram followers list. Here are the top 5 third-party tools that you can use to download your Instagram followers’ list:

1. HypeAuditor: It is an Instagram analytics tool. It allows you to download your Instagram followers’ list. Moreover, It also provides you with detailed information about your followers, including their location, age, and interests.

2. SocialRank: It is a social media analytics tool. It allows you to download your Instagram followers’ list. Furthermore, It also provides you with a detailed report of your followers which includes their location, interests, and engagement rate.

3. Follower Analyzer: This is an Instagram analytics tool. It allows you to download your Instagram followers’ list. It provides you with information about your followers. The information includes their location and engagement rate.

4. InstaFollowers: This is an Instagram analytics tool. It allows you to download your Instagram followers’ list. It provides you with detailed information about your followers, including their location, age, and interests.

5. InReports: It is an Instagram analytics tool. Itt allows you to download your Instagram followers’ list. Moreover, It also provides you with a detailed report of your followers, including their location, interests, and engagement rate.

All of these third-party tools are easy to use and provide you with valuable insights into your Instagram followers. You can use these tools to download your Instagram followers’ list and analyze your followers’ demographics and interests to improve your Instagram marketing strategy.

Things to keep in mind before downloading Instagram followers list

Before downloading your Instagram followers list, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.

  • Firstly, it’s important to be aware of Instagram’s terms of service and community guidelines. Instagram doesn’t allow users to scrape data from its platform, so make sure that you’re not violating any rules when you’re downloading your followers’ list.
  • Secondly, it’s important to ensure that you’re downloading the list from a reliable source. There are many third-party tools available that claim to offer Instagram follower lists, but many of them are scams. These tools may ask for your login credentials, and if you provide them with your information, you may end up compromising your account’s security.
  • Thirdly, consider your reason for downloading your follower list. Do you want to use it for marketing purposes, or do you simply want to keep track of your followers? Depending on your reason, different tools may be more suitable for your needs. Lastly, be aware that your followers’ privacy should always be respected. If you plan to use their information for marketing purposes, make sure that you have their consent and that you’re not violating any privacy laws. By keeping these things in mind, you can download your Instagram followers list safely and effectively.

How to analyze Instagram followers list data?

Once you have downloaded your Instagram followers list, the next step is to analyze the data. This can provide valuable insights into your followers, their behaviors, and interests. Here are some tips on how to analyze Instagram followers list data:

  1. Look for patterns: Analyzing your followers’ demographics, location, and other data can help you identify patterns. For example, if you find that most of your followers are based in a particular country, you could try tailoring your content to appeal more to that audience.
  2. Identify your most engaged followers: Make note of which followers engage with your content the most. These are the followers who are most likely to become brand advocates and help spread the word about your business.
  3. Check for fake or inactive followers: Analyzing your followers list can also help you identify fake or inactive accounts. You can then remove these accounts to ensure that your follower count is accurate and that you are only engaging with real people.
  4. Compare your followers to your target audience: If you have a specific target audience in mind, you can use your followers list data to see how closely your actual followers match your target audience. This can help you adjust your content strategy to better appeal to your intended audience.

By analyzing your Instagram followers list data, you can gain valuable insights that can help you grow your audience, build engagement, and increase your overall reach on the platform.

Tips to improve Instagram followers list engagement

Having a large Instagram followers list is great, but it’s only half the battle. The real challenge is keeping your followers engaged and interacting with your content. Here are some tips to improve your Instagram followers list engagement.

  1. Post high-quality content regularly: Consistently posting high-quality content that resonates with your audience will keep them coming back for more. Be sure to mix up your content to keep it fresh and interesting.
  2. Engage with your followers: Respond to comments, go live, and use Instagram’s features like polls and questions to create a conversation with your followers. This will show them that you value their input and opinions.
  3. Use hashtags strategically: Hashtags are a great way to reach new followers and get your content seen by a larger audience. Use relevant hashtags that are popular in your niche, but don’t overdo it. Too many hashtags can come across as spammy.
  4. Collaborate with other accounts: Collaborating with other Instagram accounts in your niche can help you reach a wider audience and boost engagement. Consider doing a joint giveaway or shoutout for each other’s accounts.
  5. Analyze your data: Use Instagram’s built-in analytics or a third-party tool to track your engagement metrics. This will help you see what types of content are resonating with your audience and where you can improve.

By implementing these tips, you can improve your Instagram followers list engagement and build a loyal following of engaged users.


Is downloading a Followers List legal?

Downloading your own Followers List is generally legal, but misuse or unauthorized purposes can conflict with Instagram’s terms.

How can I use the list for marketing?

The list can inform targeted audience strategies, ad campaigns, and content personalization to better engage your followers.

Are there any free tools for downloading the list?

Both free and paid tools are available, though free options might offer limited data compared to their paid counterparts​​.


In conclusion,  to Download Instagram Followers List is a quick and easy process that can provide valuable insights into your audience.

Whether you’re an influencer looking to analyze your reach or a business owner seeking to understand your customer base, having access to this data can help you make informed decisions about your content and marketing strategies.

Whether through Instagram Insights, third-party applications, or manual extraction, accessing a detailed list of your followers can significantly enhance your engagement strategies, provided it is done within the bounds of legal and ethical standards.